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Thursday 9 July 2015


Seorang Bayi Lahir Dengan Stigmata Di Filipina!

Isi Klaim :

"Philippines: Baby Born with Stigmata of Jesus Christ Attracts Thousands of Believers

Quezon City| A baby born with strange stigmata-like sores resembling the injuries suffered by the Christ during his crucifixion, is attracting a lot of attention from Christians across the Philippines. Thousands of faithful have already gathered around the Quezón City General Hospital, hoping to see the 'blessed” child.

Jejomar Castillo was born on the morning of March 15, weighting 3.2 kilograms and bearing strange injuries on his face, hands and feet. These surprising sores are almost identical to the famous wounds suffered by Jesus, including the head wounds associated with the Crown of thorns and the wounds caused by the crucifixion itself.

According to one of the country’s top microbiological experts, Ph.D. Merlyn Cruz, the young boy suffers a very rare syndrome causing localised purpura, which is characterized by red or purple discolorations on the skin.

'I have to admit that this is an amazing case” says Doctor Cruz. 'Only a handful of similar cases have been recorded throughout history, and it’s the first time on a baby, so the scientific knowledge accumulated about his pathology is very scarce. We are doing a series of tests to determine what these sores actually are and what is causing them to appear, but we have found nothing yet.'

Rumors of a “miraculous child” rapidly spread across the hospital, then across the city, and a large crowd rapidly gathered outside the boy’s room and even around the hospital. Within a matter of hours, thousands of people surrounded the building in silent prayer.

The crowd has now been there for two days, praying and chanting religious slogans like 'Welcome to the Saviour' and 'Thank you God for sending Jejomar'. Many of the people on the site seem to associate the birth of this enigmatic child with the biblical Return of Jesus Christ.

The most famous case of stigmata in modern history, is certainly that of Pio of Pietrelcina, commonly known as Padre Pio, who was a friar, priest and mystic of the Roman Catholic Order of Friars Minor Capuchin. He became famous for bearing the stigmata for most of his life and is now venerated as a saint in the Catholic Church.

Dozens of other cases of stigmata have been reported over the centuries, but none of them concerning a newborn child. This unique condition has already attracted a lot of attention on Jejomar and his family, and it seems the enthusiastic Christians who have gathered around the hospital are already calling him a saint. The young Jejomar Castillo, therefore, really seems condemned to have a very different life than most Filipino child."

Hoax atau Fakta :

Analisis :

Pada tanggal 17 Maret 2015 situs web World News Daily Report menerbitkan sebuah artikel melaporkan bahwa bayi Filipina telah lahir dengan stigmata, menarik kunjungan dari ribuan orang Kristen yang taat.


Artikel ini memperoleh traksi tambahan di pertengahan tahun 2015, ketika itu diterbitkan oleh situs web non-kredibel lainnya. Namun, sumbernya, World News Daily Report (WNDR), sangat sering kami imbau bahwa WNDR bukanlah sebuah berita kredibel juga. Dalam disclaimer mereka telah jelas menyatakan bahwa artikel situs ini hanya untuk 'tujuan hiburan semata' :

"Information contained in this World News Daily Report website is for information and entertainment purposes only."


Seperti yang sering terjadi dengan artikel World News Daily Report, pencarian gambar terbalik mengungkapkan bahwa foto-foto yang digunakan untuk menggambarkan laporan itu diambil dari artikel berita tentang peristiwa yang sama sekali tidak berhubungan (tidak ada korelasinya dengan klaim).

Foto bayi yang dimuat sebenarnyha adalah Danica May Camacho, yang lahir 30 Oktober 2011 itu memang sangat terkenal, tetapi bukan karena dia lahir dengan stigmata. Sebaliknya, kelahiran Camacho secara luas dilaporkan sebagai kelahiran bayi yang juga sekaligus mendandakan sebagai bayi (manusia) ke (tujuh milar) yang lahir di bumi.


Apa itu Stigmata?

Stigmata adalah tanda luka-luka Yesus yang tersalib, yang muncul secara tiba-tiba pada tubuh seseorang. Termasuk dalam tanda sengsara ini adalah luka-luka paku di kaki dan tangan, luka tombak di lambung, luka di kepala akibat mahkota duri, dan luka bilur-bilur penderaan di sekujur tubuh, teristimewa di punggung. Seorang stigmatis, yaitu sebutan bagi orang yang menderita akibat stigmata, dapat memiliki satu, atau beberapa, atau bahkan semua tanda sengsara itu. Stigmata dapat kelihatan, dapat pula tidak kelihatan; dapat permanen, dapat pula sementara waktu saja.

Dan mengenai Stigmata, bukan wilayah kami untuk menyatakan bahwa hal ini hoax atau fakta, tugas kami hanyalah membongkar kepalsuan dari berita atau gambar yang beredar di internet.

CMIIW and Typo.
Sikapi dengan bijak, semoga bermanfaat.
Salam Internet Sehat!

‪#‎StopHoax‬ ‪#‎AntiPropaganda‬ Indonesian Hoaxes

Referensi :
  • http://worldnewsdailyreport.com/philippines-baby-born-with-stigmata-of-jesus-christ-attracts-thousands-of-believers/
  • http://photoblog.nbcnews.com/_news/2011/10/31/8558858-introducing-danica-may-camacho-the-worlds-first-7-billionth-baby
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